About ERU Foodservice

Royal ERU has existed for over 195 years and provides added value to the food service market. On this page, the most frequently asked questions, our contact details and more information about our history.

The origin of ERU Foodservice

ERU was founded in 1824 by Egbert Ruijs (E RU), a true cheese lover. For over 100 years, sliced cheeses and cheeses were sold, and in 1938 the first plant was opened for the production of processed cheese. This processed cheese proved such a success that ERU eventually started increasing its focus on cheese spreads. In 1959, Goudkuipje was introduced. This soon became EUR’s flagship product, with more flavour varieties being introduced over the years. In the 1990s, ERU launched its Goudkuipje portion packs. This marked the company’s first foray into the food service market, responding to the growing need for portion packs in this sector.


The story of
Marc van Noort,Sales Manager Foodservice
Read the story of Marc

Inspiring customers is what Marc van Noort, Sales Manager Foodservice, loves doing

“I’ve been passionate about hospitality, people and food since a young age. I love being creative and inspiring customers. At Royal ERU, we love to contribute ideas at strategic level. Want to be more efficient, distinctive or dynamic? The ERU Foodservice range is the solution. Whatever your focus, we can guide you to enable you to offer your guests or customers added value.”

Marc van Noort,Sales Manager Foodservice Read the story of Marc

Inspiring customers is what Marc van Noort, Sales Manager Foodservice, loves doing

“I’ve been passionate about hospitality, people and food since a young age. I love being creative and inspiring customers. At Royal ERU, we love to contribute ideas at strategic level. Want to be more efficient, distinctive or dynamic? The ERU Foodservice range is the solution. Whatever your focus, we can guide you to enable you to offer your guests or customers added value.”


Guaranteeing quality has top priority at Royal ERU. Our products meet the highest product safety and quality standards. With the following certificates, our production process meets the latest quality requirements. In addition, we are always looking for continuous improvement.

Certificaten ERU

Discover ERU cheeses

We have an extensive assortment of delicious cheeses. Our ERU Cheese Spreads and ERU Slices enable you to prepare the tastiest dishes, enhance your buffet or sandwich trolley with our portion packs or sell our cheeses straight from your refrigerated display. Want to know more? Explore our assortment here and find inspiration.

View our assortment

Discover ERU cheeses

We have an extensive assortment of delicious cheeses. Our ERU Cheese Spreads and ERU Slices enable you to prepare the tastiest dishes, enhance your buffet or sandwich trolley with our portion packs or sell our cheeses straight from your refrigerated display. Want to know more? Explore our assortment here and find inspiration.

View our assortment