Recipe with: ERU Cheese Spread with Parmesan

Filet di Parma topped with ERU Cheese Spread with Parmesan

It’s filet americain – with a twist. Adding ERU Cheese Spread with Parmesan offers a new combination of flavours for your taste buds


  • 1000 grams of filet americain
  • 100 grams of ERU Cheese Spread with Parmesan
  • 80 grams of Parmesan cheese flakes
  • 30 grams of roasted pine nuts
  • 50 grams of sun-dried tomatoes or (powdered) bruschetta mix

It’s filet americain – with a twist. Adding ERU Cheese Spread with Parmesan offers a new combination of flavours for your taste buds


  • Mix the filet americain with your ERU Cheese Spread with Parmesan.
  • Divide into individual servings or serve on a single platter.
  • Garnish with flakes of Parmesan cheese, roasted pine nuts and chopped sun-dried tomatoes or (powdered) bruschetta mix.
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